Monday, December 26, 2011


I've never smoked pot.

I realize this isn't true confession time or anything, but I feel the need to go ahead and get that out of the way before I tell you about this drink.  I've never smoked weed and I've never really wanted to.  You can blame my rather strict religious upbringing that forbade intoxicants, or you can blame it on the fact that after having friends who had smoked it tell me about it, it just never seemed like anything I'd enjoy.  I think the closest I ever came to even a contact high was to sit next to this dude in one of my art classes who practically carried a cloud of pot smoke around him like Pigpen (the Peanuts character) carried a cloud of filth. 

(Now, please don't misunderstand me, I'm not judging anyone who does it.  I figure that if it's something you like and it doesn't hurt anyone else, and it is legal wherever you are, more power to you.)

I'm saying all of this so that you will know that I'm basically ignorant of marijuana and the culture that surrounds it.  I also don't really know anything about icons associated with it except on the broadest of terms.  I do know that Bob Marley, the musician, is one of those icons and the fact that he was on the label of the bottle of tea I bought at Earth Fare (why does most of my weird stuff come from there?) gave me pause.

Before you ask, no, I didn't think the tea had marijuana in it.  However, knowing that Marley is a marijuana icon and the product was called Mellow Mood, it wasn't a far stretch of imagination to know that there was something in it that I probably wasn't used to. I wondered if drinking this is supposed to have the same kind of effect that smoking marijuana has on some people, and that made me feel a little weird, but I figured that drinking tea wouldn't be the same even if the effects were similar.  Since being sleepy is my natural state these days, I wasn't sure "natural relaxation" in a bottle was something I needed.  Even the cashier who checked me out asked if I'd ever had it before, and told me not to drive after drinking it.

Of course, I dismissed all of the worry by thinking: "Eh, the last relaxation drink didn't do anything.  This probably won't either."  So one night, near bedtime (just in case) I broke out my new bottle of Black Tea and popped the top.

An excerpt from the official website for this drink says:

"Simply put, relaxation beverages are "beverages with benefits" - wellness drinks which deliver specific functional results. We live in a high-stress, amped-up, always-on-the-go society, which is why energy shots have grown into a huge category. We like to think Marley's Mellow Mood as the anti-energy drink. Calm breeds peace, which is something we all can use in these crazy times."

The website also says that the drinks contain herbs like valerian root, lemon balm, passion flower, hops, chamomile, as well as melatonin.  These all sounded impressively natural and safe to me!

The drink tasted very, very good. I remember that at my first sip I was kind of relieved that it didn't taste all herbally, or grassy, or have that weird chlorophyll taste I sometimes notice with bottled teas infused with herbs.  I also remember thinking that I'd totally drink it again, even if I didn't need the added attraction of "relaxation."

Honestly, that's all I remember.  Not long after I was done with the bottle, I fell asleep.  I didn't get pleasantly sleepy and decide to get up and head to bed, either.  I fell asleep sitting where I was.  It didn't happen immediately or anything.  I don't want you to think it promoted a drugged, sudden narcolepsy of any kind, but I remember capping the bottle, putting it on the table next to my chair, and then having to be helped to bed by my husband.

It was bizarre.  I had been watching television and then it was like I'd been anesthetized.  I won't even rule out the fact that my unexpected doze could have been psychosomatic, owing to the fact that I knew it was supposed to relax you, but I don't think that's the case here.

I suspect it was the valerian root that did me in.  I've had a drink with valerian in it before that made me sleepy, but not like this drink did.  I'm very glad the cashier warned me against driving after drinking this, but honestly, even if he hadn't, I probably would have only gotten as far as picking up my keys before falling asleep in the floor!

I honestly wish I could tell you more about the flavor of the drink, other than saying that it was good.  I enjoyed it, and I think that if I'm going to drink anything that makes me sleepy, this is better than a lot of things I could have...but geez.  If you don't like warm milk, grab a bottle of this and sit comfortable, because if you're anything like me, you might just wake up in the same place hours later wondering what happened. If the effects of drinking this stuff is anything like the effects of smoking pot...I say drink this instead.  You will be able to pass any drug test and you won't burn yourself if you fall asleep with it in your hand!

SERVING SIZE: 250 ml (sorry, you'll have to translate that yourself)
TASTE: Good, sleepy...  that's all I got.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

So Delicious Coconut Milk: Chocolate Mint

You probably thought I stopped reviewing things, didn't you?

No, I haven't!  On the contrary, I've found so many things to try that I actually got overwhelmed and kind of got vapor locked over what to review next.  That's pretty sad when you think about it.  At any rate, I decided that I'd just stop thinking and start writing, so here I am!

I can feel your excitement from here!  WOOOOOOO!


So today we are going to talk about something I thought I'd never, ever drink: a dairy-free milk alternative.  It isn't that I'm against milk alternatives or anything.  I know some people can't drink regular milk, and some people won't drink it, but the idea of drinking something milk-like that isn't actually milk kind of gives me the heebies.  It's totally an irrational mental-block, I know, because I've used soy milk, almond milk, and coconut milk as ingredients in recipes before without any problem, but actually drinking the stuff straight...blargh.  I honestly have no idea why the idea of drinking processed vegetable and nut milks bother me, but I'll drink the hell out of something excreted out of cow teats. 

Humans are weird.

Anyway, back to the product!  On a recent trip to Earth Fare, I was walking by the dairy case when the festive, holiday themed, green carton caught my eye!  Normally I see these products and have zero interest in trying them, but this time the word "Chocolate" was involved, and as cliche as it is...I have a weakness.  I've seen chocolate flavored coconut milk before and never bought any, but this had the added attraction of mint, PLUS it had the two words that almost guarantee that I'd buy it, "Limited Edition."  Yes, the masterminds of psychological marketing got to me.  I saw that it was limited edition and my inner voice said that if I didn't try it now, I'd never get the chance, and I'd be lying on my death bed one day wondering what it tasted like.

So I brought it home and put it in the fridge, only to pass up actually drinking any of it for a while.  That happens sometimes with things I've never tasted before.  I really want to try it, but I have to talk myself into it first.  The serving size is 1/2 a cup, and I finally figured that if I couldn't try at least that much, then I was a coward and had no business ever buying products I'd never tasted before.  Coconut milk shouldn't be the cause of such great internal struggles.

It looked like regular chocolate milk, albeit not as thick.  It had an odd smell to it.  It wasn't unpleasant or anything, but it was a mixture of mint and fake chocolate, so it kind of smelled chalky in a way.  Like when you smell chocolate milk powder is the best way to describe it.  It wasn't a rich, deep smell of chocolate, but it was absolutely there.  Mostly the mint was the most prevalent thing. 

The drink itself is actually kind of nice.  It was sweet and cold, and the mint and chocolate mixed well together. Although I thought it would taste like coconut, too, there was only a hint of it right at the beginning.  I wonder how they do that.  You'd think something made from coconut would taste of coconut, but it didn't.  Weirdness.  It wasn't as thick and rich as real chocolate milk, and it was definitely missing something, although I can't really put my finger on what that could be.  Maybe it was a textural thing, or a viscosity thing.  Ready made chocolate milk is usually very thick, so I may have been subconsciously looking for that.  It would actually be really good poured into coffee or frozen and blended into a slushy, though.  I actually enjoyed the drink itself and have had it several times since opening the carton.

If I have any complaints, it would be that it was a bit watery in both taste and body.  It wasn't a terrible thing, but it was noticeable. Also, it would be nice if the chocolate taste was a bit stronger, but mint is such a strong taste anyway, I'm sure it's just overshadowing things.  Show off!  Also...the ingredient list says it contains "monk fruit."  This seems to be yet another kind of non caloric sweetener.  I've never heard of it before and I can't taste it, but if I start chanting and shave my head in a tonsure, I'll let you know.

My conclusion?  I liked it and while I may not buy it again, I'm certainly not as heebed out by the idea of drinking coconut milk as I once was.  I'd definitely recommend it to anyone who can't or won't drink regular milk.  It's a nice treat, but I have to say that I still prefer moo juice to the fake stuff.

TASTE: Nice, a little chalky, maybe a bit watery, but still pretty good.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Chillout - Natural Calming Drink

Since I decided to try the "Pure Energy" natural energy drink, I also decided that I should get its opposite number, Chillout.

Yes, I crave symmetry in my life!  

After tasting the puce weirdness of the energy drink, I have to tell you, I kept this can in the fridge for much longer than I probably would have done otherwise.  Had I loved the other product, I would have probably drunk this one the same day in some kind of natural foods type of addiction process - the energy drink to wake me up, the calming drink to bring me down.  Alas, since I was scared I'd have to deal with more kombucha or puce tasting drinks, I let this one kind of get shoved to the back of the fridge for a while.

However, one night I just decided to buckle down and drink it.  After all, I could just pour it out or throw it away if I didn't like it, right?  There isn't some all observant grandmother who patrols the universe and tuts at you if you throw away perfectly good food and drinks.  Right?  RIGHT?!

At first sip, I kind of flinched, expecting that weird wine-juice-tea flavor of the energy drink, but thankfully, that didn't happen.  It was really very subtle as a matter of fact.  It wasn't bad at all, and if I had to make one negative statement about the taste, it's that I almost couldn't taste anything.  It had a soft, citrusy, slightly herbal flavor that had to build up over a matter of sips before you could really taste it completely.

The can says that it contains Chamomile, Valerian, Lemon Balm, Vitamins and something called "Fruit Up" which is a "natural fruit sweetener, extracted entirely from fruits with no added chemicals or additives."  Fruit Up also seems to have a Glycemic Index of 34, but I don't know what that means and I'm too lazy to research it.  I'm guessing Fruit Up is glucose with a copywritten name.  I dunno.

As for the effects, I wasn't exactly anxious or anything before drinking it, so I didn't notice a calming effect from it.  In fact, I went to bed soon after drinking this and had trouble sleeping.  I can't imagine why, unless it was because it contained Vitamin B6 and B12, which I've always thought were to give you energy and have seen on products helping you to stay awake. Again, I dunno, I'm not a food scientist.  Perhaps you can actually sit down with the B Vitamins and delegate them to different jobs as you see fit.

Anyway, the taste was nice and pleasing, and I didn't fall into a coma of any kind from the calming effect, so I'm going to give this drink a thumbs up.  I do not, however, recommend this as an actual calming potion for anyone.  My experience was that it didn't have any kind of affect on me other than as a beverage, so if you are uptight and anxious, or if the voices in your head are telling you that you need to murder the family next door, let me recommend Lorazepam or Paxil.  Both are available from your friendly neighborhood doctor, or the mental health professional of your choice.

Oh, and in case you're curious...this drink tasted lavender.

CARBS:  15g
TASTE: Pleasant, citrusy and herbal.  Also, lavender.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Pure Energy - Natural Energy Drink

You know, sometimes I like an energy drink just for the heck of it.

I mean, sure, I usually drink energy drinks for their intended purposes.  In fact, I probably wouldn't have graduated from college had it not been for the combined efforts of caffeine and sugar, but beyond that, I just LIKE to have them sometimes.

Today, however, was a "need to have one" day.  It's rainy and gloomy outside, which always causes a rather Pavlovian reaction in me (sleeping, not drooling) and I've still got another church service to get through, so I needed some help.  I decided to try the energy drink that has been hanging out in my fridge for a couple of weeks, Pure Energy.  I got this on my last trip to Earth Fare and have been waiting for the right time to try it out.

Honestly, I'm not a huge fan of energy drinks that boast "natural alternative" ingredients.  I mean, it isn't like I want them to contain meth or anything like that, but in my experience, when you find a can of some kind of odd energy drink you've never heard of, especially one that boasts some kind of natural kick starting ingredient, it's just going to taste weird.  Of course, I say that knowing perfectly well that mainstream energy drinks like Red Bull don't exactly taste great, but at least those somehow grow on you.  I've tried several brands of unusual, natural energy drinks and each time they've all had a strange, slightly odd flavor that I couldn't put my finger on. 

 Curious, Captain.

Pure Energy was different from the other natural drinks I've tried.  Well, let me elucidate:  I didn't hate this drink.  It wasn't terrible, it wasn't undrinkable, it was just...odd.  It tasted puce.  I know that won't make sense to many of you, but I taste colors and if puce had a taste, it would be this beverage.

At first sip I was afraid that it contained Stevia, which I think I've made it clear that I hate with the heat of a thousand suns.  There was this strange, almost-but-not-quite yuck taste on my tongue. Upon reading the ingredients, though, I found that there was no stevia in sight.  In fact, it had beet sugar as it's sweetener.  Ok, then...what was the taste?  I took another small sip and realized that the drink tasted almost fermented, as if someone had poured wine into fruit juice mixed with tea or something, but there wasn't any alcohol in the drink either. It was bitter, but not overly so.  So I finally started reading the can, something I probably should have done before drinking any of it.  The "active" ingredients, if you will were ginseng, guarana, caffeine and various vitamins.  Oh, and also kombucha.

DING DING DING!  Kombucha it is!  Blerg.

Yes, I realize that the word kombucha is printed right on the front of the can.  It's also printed in large letters along the side and on the back of the can, but somehow I didn't see that until I started looking at the ingredients. Had I noticed that before buying it, I probably would have passed on this drink because I am NOT a fan of kombucha.  If you aren't familiar with kombucha, it is stuff made from fermented tea.  I'm not going to lie and pretend I know a lot about it, because honestly, I learned what I know about it from Wikipedia and the back of this can.  So, that is where the fermented taste came from.  Mystery solved. 

Anyway, the stuff wasn't great, but I was able to finish it the whole can.  Aside from the puce flavor, it was unremarkable in that it was just kind of bitter and sour at the same time.  As for the effects, yes, I'm much more awake now than I was before I drank it.  In fact, my hands and feet are freezing cold, which is usually how caffeine or any other kind of stimulant affects me.  It also made me have to pee.  That's probably more than you needed to know, but I'm nothing if not thorough in my reviews.

All in all...I'm not going to tell you to avoid this drink, because if you like kombucha, or if you're curious as to what the color puce tastes like, you should try it.  It actually does perk you up quite a bit, and if you are interested in an energy drink that has all natural ingredients, I don't think you'd be too disappointed.  At any rate, Pure Energy was very different and kind of interesting, so it wasn't a complete loss. 

CARBS:  15g
TASTE: Fermented and Puce.  That's all I can say.

Friday, August 19, 2011


I'm not a vegetarian, and I'm miles away from being vegan, but sometimes I find something to try that I'm fairly certain only the rawest of raw food vegans have ever eaten. 

OK, well, maybe I'm generalizing. To be fair, though, I'd never heard of Amaranth before except in some of the raw food, vegan blogs I've come across.  For all I know, everyone has a big container of it next to their Triscuits and I'm the last person on earth to find out about it.   DON'T JUDGE ME!

At any rate, during the afore mentioned trip to Earth Fare, I saw that the bulk containers had just been filled, and I saw the Amaranth and decided to try it!  I was a little scared, because trying stuff from the bulk bins that you've never had before is hit or miss at best.  It's the worst when you get a bag of some unidentifiable grain or beans or whatever and find out you hate it.  Then you have to fight the guilt of throwing away perfectly good food.   I got a very small scoop of the stuff, just in case it was disgusting, and brought it home.

 Raw Amaranth Seeds

Amaranth is tiny.  It's a seed rather than a grain, and if the websites I read about it are correct it's super nutritious, full of protein, and used to be part of an ancient Aztec harvest celebration where there were games, music and human sacrifice!  Who wouldn't love to try a grain that led people to ripping out hearts?!!

I had to look up how to cook with the stuff, because you don't tend to just come across Amaranth as an ingredient in your more mainstream cook books!  You can use it in all kinds of ways.  The most common way I found was making it like some kind of porridge, but I'll be honest, I was too scared to try it that way first.  It looks like cream of wheat or grits, and I just couldn't face the slimy looking texture. takes a long time to cook like that, and I was too hungry to wait!  The most interesting way I found to use it is to pop it like popcorn!

It's the tiniest, cutest popcorn ever!

I never knew anything else popped like popcorn, and this sounded too fun not to try.  Another great thing is that you only need a little bit to make a lot of the popped stuff, so I took about half of what I had and got to popping!

It literally only takes a few seconds to pop this stuff, and you have to have a super hot pan with a cover, preferably a glass cover so you can keep watch.   I learned the thing about the cover the hard way, because the one time I opened the top before the seeds had stopped popping, they went everywhere.  You put a few tablespoons in the pan at a time, and shake the pan while they pop.  It's like the old-school popcorn method, I guess.   You have to be very careful not to burn it.  Once it stops popping, you have to pour it into another container, or the heat from the pot will burn it.  It took less than 5 minutes to pop all of the seeds I'd set aside, and I soon had about 2/3 cup of the popped Amaranth.  

It didn't smell...good.  I mean, it wasn't a bad, gagging smell or anything, but it was a little like burnt grass.  I was afraid I'd actually burnt the seeds, but when I tasted them, I was pleasantly surprised!  It had an awesome texture and tasted really good!  I think my brain wanted it to taste more like actual popcorn than it really did, but it's just different enough to be interesting! 

My first thought was to salt it and eat it like tiny popcorn, but that would have taken me all day.  I found out that you can add nuts and fruit to it and eat it like cereal, which is what I did!  I really liked it, even though it tasted kind of odd.  I don't know if it was actually odd-tasting, or if I just kept on expecting it to taste like actual popcorn.  It was a bit like unsweetened Sugar Smacks, if that makes even a lick of sense, but I added some Splenda (I know, I know) strawberries and almonds, and poured milk over the whole mess.  It was awesome!
I don't know if I'd want to go to the trouble of popping the seeds every morning, but it definitely was a good, and surprisingly filling, breakfast.  The smell is still kind of lingering through the house, which isn't so great, but I'm hoping that will go away before this afternoon.  Eventually, I'll get brave enough to make the porridge, but I can't imagine liking it better that way.  Seriously, you should try this stuff!  An entire ancient civilization of human sacrificing Indians (ahem - indigenous peoples) can't be wrong!  :)
WEBSITE- No specific website, but online recipes abound!
SERVING SIZE: 1/4 dry, uncooked, but it bulks up like crazy no matter what way you cook it.
TASTE: Very good!  If popped, it's nutty, popcorny, and like unsweetened Sugar Smacks. The texture is also fun!  Cooked the other way...I'm not sure.  I'm still too scared to try!  :)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011



This.  I almost don't know what to say about this.  I'll just work my way around...

I love to try new drinks and sodas, I really do.  I will buy a new kind of soda, or heck, even a slightly altered flavor of soda I'm already familiar with, in a heartbeat.  I've even been known to buy soda simply because the bottle was interesting.  I can't help it.  It's like some kind of sick compulsion. 

Most of the time I'm pleasantly surprised by the types of drinks I come across.  Yes, some of them have been too sweet, some weren't sweet enough, and I've found a few I haven't liked very much, but on the whole, there are very few kinds that I've encountered that I've found completely undrinkable. Even the ones I don't care for, I usually tough out by drinking them with meals or something that takes away from the taste.  What I'm saying, is that I can usually finish off most of whatever it is I've bought.

Until today.  Dear baby

I picked up a bottle of Virgil's Zero Real Cola while on a trip to Earth Fare.  If you aren't familiar with the store, I'd describe it as a big, organic market for rich hippies. There are all kinds of interesting things to buy and taste there, so I love my infrequent visits because the stock has usually been rotated and I always come away with something new.  The drinks aisle is this wonderland of organic, unusual sodas.  They are generally national brands, but nothing so "pedestrian" as Coke or Dr. Pepper.  One thing I've noticed, is that a lot of these drinks are not sweetened with sugar.  They have different kinds of sugar-alternatives, generally, which is bad for me because I don't like most alternative sweeteners.  Anything artificial, and I'm gagging at the bitterness of it.  Anything natural, but not sugar, has this weird...planty taste to me.  I can't explain it any better than that.  They taste planty.  Now, I know sugar also comes from plants, but it doesn't taste planty, it just tastes sweet.  That's the beauty of sugar, though, I guess.

But I digress. 

I picked up the soda because I've had other kinds of Virgil's soda and liked it just fine.  It isn't one of my go-to brands, but I have enjoyed the stuff that we've bought in the past.  I was excited to see the "Zero" cola, because I enjoy Coke Zero and thought that a artisan soda with no calories would be awesome!  I tend to like artisan cola drinks, because you can usually taste the different kinds of flavorings more clearly than you can with Coke or Pepsi.  Maybe it's just me. 

Well, I decided to try this soda while I was eating my dinner, thinking that even if it wasn't the best thing, I could still drink it without a problem.  Unfortunately, I had overestimated my ability to soldier through untried sodas.

My first (and honestly, my only) sip of Virgil's Zero Real Cola began with the surprised thought of "Oooh! Cinnamon! I like cinnamon!" and ended with "Holy God, what evil beast expelled this bile from its most foul orifice?!"  I couldn't drink anymore of it.  I simply couldn't.  It was disgusting.  It was bitter and it coated my mouth and throat with it's taste.  I wish I could be more specific than that, but I couldn't drink anymore.  I ran to the kitchen and immediately poured it down the sink.  You may not think it's fair to review a soda that I barely tasted, but I am only being honest here.  I have never, ever tasted anything like that before, and if God loves me, I will never have to taste anything like that again. 

Honestly, I think it was the stevia leaf extract that was the cause of my problems.  I checked all of the other ingredients, and they are all familiar to me.  Stevia I've only had a few times, and each time I've been less than impressed at whatever it is in.  My apologies to Reeds inc. for my feelings about their product, but damn...  I've had lots of products from that company, and none of the others has sent me running towards the sink in a blind panic.  If I can come across a version of Virgil's Cola without the stevia, I'd love to try it to see if the regular kind is any better, but I don't want to drink this version of it ever, ever again.  Do not want.

WEBSITE- Virgil's

Monday, August 15, 2011

Bible Bread

Not far from where I live, there is an old health food store called Pearly Gates.  The store itself is old.  Well...not like, it-used-to-be-a-general-store old, but it opened in 1968, and moved to it's current location in 1972, which in my opinion is old!  It is dark and crowded, and sells the most bizarre collection of stuff I've ever seen in one place.  The shop boasts a stock of 750 different spices, herbs and other unusual ingredients that I've never heard of, all in mismatched containers lining one wall.  They sell obscure health foods, wine and beer making ingredients, incense, natural cosmetics and medicines, and strange ointments and teas marked with Chinese and Japanese writings that I don't at all understand.  There is also a small collection of occult items, altar bells, and things that baffle my Southern Baptist mind.  I've often joked that any Hogwart's student could walk in and buy any and all of their potion ingredients there if they wanted to!  I think of it as the local Wiccan Super Store.  I absolutely love the place!  Sometimes, while the husband is visiting the local comic book shop to pick up his latest Green Lanterns, I walk down and peruse it's musty shelves, hoping to find some new and unusual thing to try.  I'm never disappointed!

While looking around the shop last Saturday, I picked up a few things.  Most of it was just bulk grains and tapioca balls, nothing to write home about, but the one new item I'd found to try was something called Bible Bread.

Wait, that doesn't sound grand enough.  You kind of have to imagine a loud, deep, echoing voice from the heavens saying the name: BIBLE BREAD!  Well, at least that's how I imagine the name being said when I look at the box.

Anyway...BIBLE BREAD is not really a bread-bread.  It's actually more of a cracker.  The box describes it as being "Inspired by a 3000 year baking tradition going back to the time of the Exodus, when the Israelites, in their flight from Egypt, prepared unleavened bread to sustain them on their journey to freedom."  Of course, it isn't the original recipe...oh no.  The makers of BIBLE BREAD added "Tasty, natural flavors mentioned in the bible."  Um...yum?  I don't know how I feel about that.  The bible talks about John the Baptist eating locusts, and you don't get much more natural than eating bugs.  Horf!

Luckily, the ingredients listed are completely bug free!  BIBLE BREAD is made of wheat flour, water, rye flour, corn starch, oat fibers, rice, oat, corn, sesame, salt and natural spices. 

The crackers themselves are largish, rectangular, and thin.  They remind me of Wasa bread or matzo or something like that, but much thinner.  They are very dry and brittle.  The box also mentions that BIBLE BREAD is all natural, with no preservatives, no artifical colors, low fat, cholesterol free, sugar free, dairy free and saturated fat free.

Unfortunately, the box doesn't say that they are also taste free, which would have been more useful.  I've literally eaten bits of cardboard that had more flavor than these crackers.  I'd say they are almost bitter in taste, but that would imply that you could actually taste something when you put them in your mouth.  I had to grab a mini Babybel to go along with the ones I had for a snack, just so that I could convince myself that it was actual food I was eating and not a deck of playing cards.  I didn't enjoy them very much, but I have a whole box of them that I'm going to have to figure out how to eat.  Such are the pitfalls of the adventurous food buyer, I suppose!

Actually, these might not be so bad if you used them to eat dips or melted cheese, or something that had a noticeable taste, but in my opinion, you'd be better off with chips or real bread.  The website also says that they have different flavors, so maybe the plain kind just don't pack enough punch.  I'll definitely try and finish the box, just so that they don't go to waste, but I'm not looking forward to it.

I wish I could have liked these, I really do.  I mean, if Moses and his people could live off of stuff like that for 40 years of desert wandering, you'd think they'd be good enough for me as an afternoon snack!

SERVING SIZE: 2 crackers

Thursday, August 11, 2011


I know what you're probably thinking...  Does the Internet really need another blog where some random, faceless person talks about how much they like or dislike something?

Well, no, but I absolutely love reviewing things and thought that it would be fun to have a blog dedicated to things I try and want to talk about.  It's as simple as that.

I'm kind of just flying by the seat of my pants here, so there won't be any specific category of things I plan on talking about.  Hopefully, I'll have the chance to try a lot of different things in the days to come and maybe some of those reviews will be useful to someone out there in the world.

Why should you listen to me?  Am I some kind of expert on product testing?  I'm not really an expert of anything in particular, but I am honest!  I figure if you want to know about something, you might as well find out about it from someone who will tell you the truth about it, right?

Anyway, I just thought this would be fun, so we'll see how it goes!