Thursday, August 11, 2011


I know what you're probably thinking...  Does the Internet really need another blog where some random, faceless person talks about how much they like or dislike something?

Well, no, but I absolutely love reviewing things and thought that it would be fun to have a blog dedicated to things I try and want to talk about.  It's as simple as that.

I'm kind of just flying by the seat of my pants here, so there won't be any specific category of things I plan on talking about.  Hopefully, I'll have the chance to try a lot of different things in the days to come and maybe some of those reviews will be useful to someone out there in the world.

Why should you listen to me?  Am I some kind of expert on product testing?  I'm not really an expert of anything in particular, but I am honest!  I figure if you want to know about something, you might as well find out about it from someone who will tell you the truth about it, right?

Anyway, I just thought this would be fun, so we'll see how it goes! 

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